Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fervent, Strategy #9: Hurt

Okay, life got crazy for a bit! At this point I've finished reading "Fervent" but I just (finally) finished my prayer for this chapter today. I've tried to keep prayer in mind but if I'm not writing out my prayer I find myself extremely distracted.

Between moving and the holiday festivities I've been quite distracted and haven't really prayed for a week. I noticed today the difference that made in my life, in such a short amount of time. These specific prayers were unleashing God more fully in my life in two major ways; In me (wakening His Holy Spirit in me) and in the people I'm praying for. Today, in church, I notice all that was dimming. Pray matters!

So, here we go. Hurt. I'm confident you have been hurt in your life. I know for sure that I have. Some hurts I caused myself. Some were delivered by others. Some big, some small but all painful. We naturally want to avoid pain, so that makes our hurts a perfect target for Satan to keep us stationary.  "He use every opportunity to keep old wounds fresh in mind, knowing that anger and hurt and bitterness and forgiveness will continue to roll the damage forward (Hebrews 12:15)" (Page 16). Can you relate?

"If I were your enemy, I'd use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind, as well as the people, events, and circumstances that caused them. I'd try to ensure that your heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled through forgiveness" ( Page 151).

Reading this chapter I didn't really see this clearly in my life. I get over things pretty quickly. I typically don't dwell and stew. Typically. In my desire to brush this strategy off as no big deal that raised a red flag. There is no way this area of my life is spick and span. God would want me to clean out my closet but Satan, he would want me to keep walking. So, I prayed.

I know I have been hurt, even recently. I know that if I talk about it there is a great potential that I might cry. In many way's I don't think I'm holding it against the person that inflicted them...but maybe I do.

I have a desire to avoid them. It would be easier to not interact. New hurts wouldn't happen if I keep my distance. That's not unforgiveness, anger or it?

Well, when in doubt look to Jesus, look to the Bible. Jesus wasn't even angry at the people who brutally killed him. He said "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing" (Luke 23:24). That speaks to me as one of the best examples of forgiveness, kindness and gentleness. As a Christian (aka "Little Jesus", Christ follower) my reaction should follow His example.

WWJD...what would Jesus do?

He wouldn't avoid this person. He would be available to them even though they might hurt Him again. He would have compassion and empathy because what is in a person's heart is what come out of their mouth (Matthew 15:18-19Luke 6:45). This person is not a Christ Follower. They have been hurt a lot in their life. Have you heard the saying "hurt people, hurt people"?

I don't believe this person knows what they are doing. Although I have expressed my hurt and genuine concern for how our relationship is I don't think they really understand where I'm coming from. That being said there is two sides to every coin. I'm sure I don't truly understand where they are coming from either.

God doesn't say we need to understand the other person to forgive them, we need only to forgive. It is a choice. Sometime the choice is harder then others. Sometimes is a choice we have to keep making. I think with this person in my life the latter is where I fall. My desire to stay away from them is proof I am keeping the past part in my present. That is not the definition of forgiveness.

My sins are many and never ending. No matter how many times I hurt Jesus, He always forgives me. He never pushed me away so I wont hurt Him again. He loves me so much that He stays vulnerable and available. He doesn't let it be a wedge between us. I have realized (even more in writing this blog post) that I can't let my hurt be a wedge in my relationship with this person. I need to move on and pray hard for walls to crumble and a healthy relationship to emerge.

This was not at all the blog I thought I would write just now. I had a different direction in mind but God is so good! He knows what I need better then I do. I hope He uses this to bless your life too! :-)

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